2023 OishiBunnies X Bunny Wonderland (Mid Autumn)

七夕节快乐!We have chosen this auspicious day to launch our Annual Mid Autumn Fundraiser for our beloved bunny rescue group Bunny Wonderland. We look forward to your support once again 🙏
The Qixi Festival, also known as the Qiqiao Festival (乞巧), is a Chinese festival celebrating the annual meeting of Zhinü and Niulang in Chinese mythology. The popular tale is a love story between Zhinü (織女, the weaver girl, symbolized by Vega) and Niulang (牛郎, the cowherd, symbolized by Altair). Niulang was often abused by his sister-in-law. They eventually kicked him out of the house, and gave him nothing but an old cow.
One day, the old cow suddenly spoke out, telling Niulang that there would be fairies bathing in the spring nearby that night. The fairy would stay there if she failed to go back to heaven before morning. In accordance with what the old cow said, Niulang saw those beautiful fairies in the spring, and fell in love with one of the beautiful fairies who was the heavenly weaver. In order to make her stay, he took her clothes that helped her to go back to heaven; this made her an ordinary earth woman without any power. Then they got married and had two children. Jade Emperor found out about this and was furious, so he sent minions to escort the heavenly weaver back to heaven.
Niulang was heartbroken. The old cow suddenly spoke out again, telling Niulang he could take his skin to make it into a flying coat to chase after them; and Niulang did. However, the Queen Mother of the West drew a Silver River (The Milky Way) in the sky and blocked his way. Meanwhile, the love between Niulang and the weaver moved the magpie, and so they built a bridge of magpies over the Silver River for them to meet. The Emperor of Heaven was also moved by the sight, and allowed this couple to meet on the Magpie Bridge once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. That was the origin of the Qixi Festival.
🛒 Fundraising items can be found here: https://oishibunnies.com/product-category/fundraising/
🗓️ Fundraising preorder closes: 6.9.2023
🚚 Free shipping for order above $80.00
🥮 Mid autumn cookie set will be available 26.9.2023
🍪 Collect CPF and get instant cashback for your future purchases
Dear Friends and Supporters,
As the golden leaves fall and the harvest moon graces the night sky, we’re filled with gratitude and warmth for the incredible support you’ve shown during our Mid-Autumn Fundraiser.
We’re delighted to announce that our fundraiser has come to a close, and together, we have raised and transferred $781.18 to Bunny Wonderland! This achievement is a testament to the unwavering spirit of our community and your dedication to our cause. Your kindness and generosity light up our path and inspire us to do even more.
The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time of unity and togetherness, and your willingness to stand with us during this season is a beautiful testament to that spirit.
Although the fundraiser may have concluded, our journey toward positive change and impact continues. We hope you will stay connected with us as we move forward, creating a brighter future for all bunnies. You’ve made this Mid-Autumn Festival truly special.
Wishing you all the warmth and happiness this season brings. 花好月圆佳节夜,月圆兔圆人团圆!
Love, Cookie Yiyi