Oishi Bunnies X Bunny Wonderland 10th Anniversary Event (Run Bunny Run Virtual Race)

A overdue post as the event ended in July but still would love to share our thoughts about organising this wonderful event!
It was during a usual makan and chit chat session, the founder was cracking her brain on how to celebrate the group’s 10th anniversary. She mentioned (in her exact words), “BW 可能没有第二个十年.”
Then a baby idea of hosting a virtual run is born in the restless mind of mine. As a seasoned runner who ran many races and I always wanted to organise one. SWEE!
Founder gave green light 🚦 and planning started in Oct 2022. The lack of resources and experience made the start of the project daunting. Every aspects of the race were brainstormed – from designing the logo, tshirt, medal to sourcing of suppliers, to churning out facebook contents and looking for sponsors, and lastly marketing the race to our bunny community. It felt overwhelming when there are too many opinions and too little helpers doing the actual work but soon a core team of BW vollies gathered and the project started moving forward after our annual CNY fundraising.
Cookie yiyi is very blessed to have talented friend the3bunnies.co – everything bunny joined the project. She is a rock, steady, confident and dependable. Along with Stella who was unwell (and Huijia, Lynne, Jackie, Nelly, Sharon, Alan, Yinling, May etc), we were finally were able to put together a baby idea and materialise it to a real event. The team is small but it was effective. We are enormously proud of ourselves to have raised almost $23,000.00 (before deducting costs).
The Bunny Wonderland 10th year anniversary run would not been a success without the support of our generous sponsors (My Happy Tales Kirin Seafood Supply Pte Ltd, Beary, Momoluv & Yappy Pets) selfless volunteers and the most most most most loving bunny community. Big hugs to all the participants, please wear your T-shirt and display your medal with pride. You made the world a better place. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
The run may be over, but the work to educate the public, to help neglected bunnies continues.
Our Mid Autumn Fundraiser is coming up, please support us again this year! Hahahahaha!
Lastly, I just wanna say something to Jackie Fang, “BW 会有第二个第三个十年的”
Cookie Yiyi