Our Story - From Passion to Purpose: Crafting Unforgettable Stories, One Story at a Time.

Gigi, fondly known as Cookie Yiyi, is a mum of 4 furkids, Barley, Missy, Echo and Eon; mum of 2 human kids, 24 and 17 and foster mum of 5 other bunnies. Her kids and furkids are her source of joy, pride, inspiration and motivation. Apart from Oishi Bunnies, Cookie Yiyi also owns and manages a small cleaning company started in 2008.

She started Oishi Bunnies in 2017 when her first orange lop, Bubble, kept failing his blood tests and could not be sterilised. Cookie yiyi researched intensively and extensively on natural remedies and herbology and tries to incorporate them into their food. Bubble finally passed his blood tests with flying colours. And we have been using our knowledge and experience gained to benefit more bunnies in need since.

From artisanal cookies to birthday cakes to handmade items to carefully curated bunny themed items, Oishi Bunnies have customers worldwide. Our passion turned humble business have grown exponentially during the Covid-19 period and we are grateful for the support and backup given from our local community. 

Oishi Bunnies believes strongly in giving back to the rabbit community and regularly fundraises for rabbit shelters. Oishi Bunnies have raised and donated over 39K in cash to several shelters over the past 6 years. And through our fundraising efforts, we are very blessed to have forged strong friendships with like-minded pawrents and worked with reputable partners.

Cookie Yiyi is also a groomer and content creator for Happy Hoppers – Bunny Wonderland, a grooming service founded by passionate Bunny Wonderland SG volunteers who donates 100% of our profits back to the Bunny Wonderland for rescue efforts.

Cookie Yiyi rescues bunnies as a private rescuer, foster bunnies for Bunny Wonderland and is a proud foster mum of 8 bunnies, where 4 of them (Missy, Echo, Eon and Theseus) are foster fails. Read more about our latest foster JuJu. “Fostering is not only about rehabilitating a unwell bunny back to health, it is also helping them restore their trust and faith in humans. Fostering is also very personal and emotional journey. Every time I see them understand and follows commands; every time I see them learn new tricks, my heart is filled with pride. Every time they reach a milestone and every time they start a new chapter of their life, I knew I did the right thing and made a difference in their lives.”

We are excited to finally have our own website. We felt that this move is imminent to better improve your shopping experience and to showcase what we have and do. We will be slowly but steadily adding more great and affordable items for you and your bunnies to shop! We look forward to your continuous support and patronage.

Thank you!